Much has been said about the effects of Covid19. Almost all the countries of the world has been infected by it. Lives lost, jobs lost and many more. I supposed seeing and reading on how it is handled in other countries makes me reflect on how well we are handling it here in Malaysia. I reflect on the past. On history. Especially the world wars. Particularly the 2nd world war and specifically the Sandakan Ranau Death Marches. We fought fellow human and held them captive. We fought fellow human from other countries. We fought one another on our land. They fought one another on our land. We fought hard to achieve liberty and freedom. We won and at the same time we lost.

The biggest prize for grab was liberty. After having so called won then off we trotted along developing our nations, developing democracy, meaning fine tuning our freedom and liberty. The same freedom that we enjoy and so we say, appreciate is now back haunting us amidst this pandemic. We place our liberty above everything else. Those who fought and lost their lives must be turning in their graves. For this is not the liberty they fought for. They lived for liberty and freedom that came with being responsible and caring for others. They sacrificed their liberty and freedom for us.

We as human are powerless against Covid19. Unless we forsake our so called liberty and freedom. A small and temporary sacrifice to make to win the fight. We need to lock ourselves up and limit our movements. The soldiers were locked and had their movements limited and yet we prevailed and won.

We have missed Anzac Day and I am quite certain we will miss Sandakan Day too. Two very important events to remind us on the sacrifices that was made. In a way Covid-19 is somewhat similar. It is a war that we must win. And it is crucial for us to understand the sacrifices that was made. To understand the freedom that we live by. Let us not forget of the sacrifices and let us make our own sacrifices to win against this pandemic.